September 2000

Saturday 9th

Media Effects

The power over bandwidth and viewer numbers often substitute traditional political discussions and processes. The privatization of mass media and the growing influence of Business over the Internet has a substantial impact on the representation or non-representation of certain social and political realities. Critical or so called "non attractive" content can hardly be sold and therefor disappear from public consciousness. New independent media strategies have to be developed to give voice to under-represented ideas and to create new approaches to public.

Informal meeting and presentations:
Space Adventures (Vit Soukup), Presentation (Jeta Xharra), Presentation (Vanja Nikolic, Zagreb), Anthems (Kakalik), Dokument fom the balcan journey (Divus), Radio Jeleni (Derek Holzer), Linkage Website (Mongrel, London), imc (Prague) and others

Sreening program:
Bringing It to You (®TMark), Drill Instructor. Captain Full Metal Jack (Jochen Becker/Jesko Fezer, presented by Jochen Becker), Collateral damage (Gary Dempsey and Aaron Lukas with Jeffrey Brown and Tomas Valasek), Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media (Mark Achbar, Peter Wintonick)

Discussion about the representation of social and political realities in commercialized an independent media with Micz Flor (Berlin), Pavel Klusák (Prague), Avdei Ter Onanian (Moskow), Brad DeLange (Praha), Gerard Wheelan (Praha), Vanja Nikolic (Zagreb), imc (Praha), Jeremy Druker (Prague), Jeta Xharra (Pristina), Derek Holzer (Praha), Michael Bielicky (Praha), Tomás Ruller (Brno), Antonin Kosík (Praha), Petra Jedlickova (Praha), Danny Holmann (Prague), Jeffrey Brown (Praha) and others, Moderation: Micz Flor

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