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Cuore di rame (Copper’s heart)
30’ / 1998
by: Renato Ricatto, Renato Peronetto, Sandro Giuliani, Paola Melis
production: Comune di Roma, Cooperativa La Carabattola, Doc Video

This is Jasmine’s history, a Gipsy girl that decides to escape from her family, from her people, from a very closed world, where she cannot find a reason to go on. She is in love with an Italian boy and his home is the first place where she thinks to go. But the scare about her people that menace her boy friend exhort her to ask help to the police.
At this point begins the hard Jasmine’s journey through the gagè (no Gipsy) society. She discovers the difference between idealization and reality and she overcome the disappointments that our society reserve her.
Jasmine narrates to her-self and to us the history of a hope that hasn’t been completely answered until now.
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