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Movement of Jah People
VHS / PAL / 26’ / 1995
by Spectacle Productions / Mark Saunders

Exodus is an unic urban phenomena who do not simply confront but intelligently challenge society's assumptions and values. They offer working, viable solutions to many of societiy's stated ills; poverty, crime, drugs, homelessness, unimployment and the break down of community. Exodus blend a volatile mixture of rastafarianism, new age - punk and street smart politics. "We are not drop outs but force outs".

"This remarkable film is an antidote to the dereliction and paranoia on Britain's streets. Squatting and renovating dacayed buildings. Exodus pursue a mutually agreed quest to regenerate their disaffected community. Their regular free raves bring ex - army, ex- estate agents, ex - shop assistants and ex - criminals together as Exodus, a dance with new directions. For anyone interested in a street relevant discussions on drugs, criminality, spirituality and community, this film is a must see"
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